Welcome To Bizity.com Pre-Beta!

At Bizity, we are pioneering a revolutionary platform where individuals and businesses alike can forge credentials, connect, collaborate, and cultivate meaningful alliances and partnerships. Our vision extends beyond merely building a community; it's about nurturing a space where mentorship and empowerment are accessible to all-regardless of the length or prestige of your resume, credentials, or educational background. Here, everyone is afforded equal opportunity to thrive and make an impact.

Secure your spot on the waiting list today to claim your preferred username(s)! By filling out the form below, you will gain exclusive access to our pre-beta community, joining a movement set to redefine professional networking.

Our goal is to onboard a critical mass of users early on, ensuring a vibrant and functional community from the very start of our beta phase. You play a crucial role in this journey-spread the word to your friends and family, and invite them to be part of this transformative experience in our pre-beta phase.

Please note: At Bizity.com, your privacy is paramount. Your email address will remain strictly confidential, used solely for essential communications from us-be it version updates, changes in terms & conditions, or other significant platform news. Rest assured, we stand firmly against spam. Future promotions from members will be confined to platform messaging, with external promotions subject to your explicit consent.

Usernames will be awarded on a first come first serve basis. Because Pre-Beta does not check against the main user database, we can not guarantee usernames at this stage.
Your privacy is our top priority. Your email will never be shared with third parties.

Optional - Website & Social Media

The text you would like to appear that will use the actual website address to link to.
The actual website address (URL) to link to.

The social media platform name.
The actual website address (URL) to link to.

The social media platform name.
The actual website address (URL) to link to.

The social media platform name.
The actual website address (URL) to link to.

The social media platform name.
The actual website address (URL) to link to.

The social media platform name.
The actual website address (URL) to link to.